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7/17/2011 - 9/4/2011

Anna and the Christ Child

  • Our Redemption Has Come

    After Anna gave thanks to God upon seeing the infant Jesus, Luke tells us that she began speaking of Him to all who were waiting for...

  • A Glorious Proclamation of Thanksgiving

    After Anna observed Simeon's Song and prophetic proclamation, she offered her own song of thanksgiving. Her worship of God is especially inspirational and dramatic when you...

  • A Sure Witness

    Verification from the mouth of two or three witnesses is a principle that pervades Scripture. Luke follows that pattern in establishing the identity of the...

  • The Truly Happy People of God

    The names Luke includes in his brief treatment of Anna have significant meanings. Anna means "Grace," "Phanuel" means "the face of God" and...

  • Grace Beholds the Face of God

    uke devotes three short verses to a widow named Anna. Included in his description are her name, her father's name and the tribe of...

  • God's Faithful Remnant

    Simeon and Anna represent the whole people of God (the territories of Simeon and Asher stretch from the extreme south to the far northwest) awaiting the...

  • God Humiliates the Proud

    he story of Anna is consistent with the principle Paul described in 1 Cor 1:26-29. God has chosen the foolish, weak, lowborn and worthless (in the eyes of the world) to...

  • Only the Lowly

    The brief story of Anna advances Luke's theme that revelation and...